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ID :241211-ba5349
You have to fill everything which marked with red!
Choose where you wish to send the items
Name of inviduals, or the name of the Company
Adress, Country, Town, Street house Nr.
Phone number
E-mail address to send copy
ex Skoda, Opel, Volkswagen
Exact type with parameters
ex. 1970
Give the model year
Chassis number must 17 character long!
Engine code / number:
Chose the type of the a fuel
Type here the Art. Nr form the Invoice for the Warranty
Total KM when Built-In:
Total KM of Dissassembling couldn't be less than the Total KM of Biult-In. Otherwise Warranty is not allowed.
Type here all the parts which were replaced during Built-in
Aprroval for destructive testing
Give us detailed information about the problem which occoured.*
Write down why needed to replace the required part!